About Ruben


Mi nombre es Rubén Arribas , tengo 32 años de edad . Soy un viajero español . He viajado 70 + países por el mundo . Mi último viaje lo finalicé en Agosto 2015 , un viaje en bicicleta desde Madrid al Cabo Norte y bajando hacia Finlandia , 9500 km en bicicleta . Vivo una vida simple y siempre tengo el pensamiento , que viajar no pertenece solo a gente que gasta millones de euros . Viajar es un modo de vida y mucha gente puede hacer lo mismo , si ellos lo eligen .


Escribo para demostrar a la gente , que si tienes un sueño de viajar . Sientes que el límite es el dinero , con mis historias podrás comprobar que no es tan importante , es mucho más valioso el tiempo . Viajar me hizó descubrir la vida y la grandeza de la gente , que conocí en los maravillosos países visitados y culturas conocidas . Tengo la esperanza de inspirar a otras personas , que sueñan con lo mismo . Es posible viajar por el mundo y hacer lo que realmente amas , si pones todo tu corazón en ello .


Escribo sobre mi sueño , es la manera más facil de contarlo . La gente tiene tendencia a vivir una vida ordenada y ajetreada , olvidando pensar sobre sus pasiones . Creo que la vida se basa en aprender , el mundo es demasiado variado y bonito como para no explorarlo y comprenderlo . Cada lugar que visito , cada nueva familia que conozco … Aprendo algo nuevo y cada experiencia es valiosa .

Este es mi contacto arrivastravel23@hotmail.com
Muy Facebook: http://facebook.com/GaminTraveler
Muy Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamintraveler



My name’s Ruben Arribas, and I’m a 32-year old Spanish traveler. I’ve traveled to 70+ countries around the world, the last one just finished this August 2015 – a trip from Spain to Finland, traveling 9500 km by bicycle. I live a simple life and
I have always held the belief that travel don’t just belong to people with thousands of dollars to spend. Traveling is now a way of life for me, and I know anyone can do the same if they choose to.


I blog about living my dream – that’s the easiest way to put it. People have the tendency to be tied to the every day hustle
and bustle of life that some forget to think about doing what they are really passionate
about. I believe that one’s life is about learning, and that the world is too varied and beautiful not to be explored and understood. Every place I visit, every new family I meet, I learn something new, and every experience is priceless.


I blog to reach out and make an impact. If any one has the dream to travel, and they feel limited because of money and time, my stories are a proof that none of those should be a hindrance. Travel has made me rediscover life and its real meaning through the goodness of the people I met and the wonderful countries and cultures I’ve experienced. And I hope to inspire others who dream the same that it’s possible to travel the world, and to do what they really love to do, if they put their heart into it.

Contact me directly here: arrivastravel23@hotmail.com
I’m also on Facebook: http://facebook.com/GaminTraveler
And Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamintraveler

263 thoughts on “About Ruben

  1. Hi Ruben. Your life of travelling and enjoying so may countries and their cultures does seem like a dream, to most people. I’ve done a fair bit of travelling in my time, but not on a continuous journey, like you. I’m fascinted by the idea, and look forward to following you on your journey. Millie 🙂

  2. Thanks for the follow! I’m amazed at how many countries you’ve been to and how much you’ve done!

      1. Great,so have you done that? I am still trawling through your impressive posts.Must say your bicycle diaries are interesting.

  3. Thanks for stopping by and showing some love to my blog. Looks like you know how to travel. I look forward to following your journey and learning some tools of the trade.

    Good vibes brother!

  4. Hi Ruben, thanks for stopping by my blog tripsandtrappings.com I love your travel adventures and love that you write in both Espanol and English! I am trying to learn Espanol and reading your posts helps me immensely – especially when they are followed by the English version so I can check my accuracy! I get to read about your travels and practise my language learning – bonus!

  5. I as well adore traveling, but never have I ever done so por bicicleta! This is truly inspirational! Espero que todo vaya bien! I look forward to following your blog.

  6. Travelling is one of life’s greatest educators. We totally agree. Love your positive outlook in life. BTW thanks for dropping by our blog. We love travelling too. 🙂

  7. Dear Rubin,

    Thanks for stopping by and reading my recent blog post. I’m glad I can now follow your blog because it’s splendid. I love traveling as much as you do and I can’t wait to post more about all the places I’ve been to.

    Wishing you the best.


    Schön Living

  8. Hey thanks for stopping by my blog and the follow, Hope you enjoy my blog, you have a great blog here.

  9. Hola Ruben!
    Grazias for your follow and your likes of my posts! Unfortunately I only know a few words in spanisch, but you are perfect in english 🙂 I love the idea of your blog and your way of life and its very impressing you have visited 70 countries! Sure, I love travelling too, but sometimes its a little bit more difficult for me 🙂 The More, I love reading your posts and hope, we will meet again on our blogs…
    Best wishes, Buenos dias, yours Lara (Travel sounds)

  10. Wow Ruben! That’s a lot of countries! I wish I’d made it to half that number. You’ll have some wonderful experiences to look back on in your old age.
    Many thanks for the follow on my blog 🙂

  11. Thanks for new follow Ruben! Amazing how blogs about writing and abit about travel attract more travel bloggers than writers! Look forward to following you on your incredible journeys…Enjoy every minute!

  12. Hi Ruben! Thanks for following Come Sail With Me! I am starting to travel this year, and decided to document it. I hope I can travel as much as you did! You’re amazing!

  13. Ruben, like you, I view myself as a traveler, living for the next journey. Thanks for stopping by my blog: Cancer Hits the Streets.

  14. Live your dream Ruben, I still am and a senior doing it.

    Glad you like the French Onion soup. I am a retired chef who had a long time cooking school and liked to teach the classics cooked with ease. Today I write novels set in 1500 BC Egypt, hence the ankh as my moniker…

  15. I loved reading this 🙂 I greatly enjoy travel as well, but I don’t get to do very much of it so maybe I can “see the world” through your eyes for the moment. Be careful out there.

  16. Hi Ruben. Thanks for the follow! Your blog is inspiring! Wish I can do some more travelling soon!

  17. I totally agree with you. I am no so bold as you to leave everything behind me, but travel is a state of the heart, before being a matter of miles :-). what I put in my little new blog are impressions and experiences I gathered throughout years, but they are still fresh and vivid.
    Thank you for passing by.

  18. Reuben – I wish you safe and learning-filled travels In this big and interesting world you are exploring. I write about a Canadian’s late life adventure in the UK. Not as daring as your pursuits – but a great learning experience nonetheless. Thank you for visiting my mcsweeneysdiversion blog!

    Daniel McSweeney

  19. Life is gone very quickly; the things that are important to us are people, and doing things. I really believe life is in the being, not in the having–so I believe we should take hold of every day!
    Thanks for following my blog =)

  20. I am so into your “about me” manifesto! I LOVE traveling, airport delays and all, but my boyfriend really dislikes it and we’ve had arguments about how he thinks traveling is just for rich people who have nothing better to do. I hate that he thinks this (and I’m working on convincing him otherwise), but until then – I’ll be sitting here reading about your adventures and loving it all.


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